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I don't work with people who have problems.
I work with people who have dreams.



All of us have dreams, but not all of us find a way to live them.

The first step to realize your dreams is to listen to them – to what they have to say about your life, your hidden desires, your heart's longing, and your passions. Then comes daring to change your life so that the dream is possible. The bigger the dream, the bigger the dare.


If you read this, If you read this, you have probably dared. Most of us live in a familiar and safe place called a comfort zone. If you want to live your dreams, you need to step out of your comfort zone. This is where the growth and fun begins. It is unfamiliar, challenging, even scary, but also very rewarding and fulfilling. Are you ready to go there? Are you committed to do it and be it?


Results come from action. Take the first step. Better today than tomorrow. Imagine, what we would have missed had all the genius stayed in our heads. The greatest idea, as long as it’s kept only in your mind, is worthless. Start with a one step at the time and do it. Once you commit and take the first step and your heart, soul, mind, and body integrate, your entire being shifts into the person that fulfils the dreams.


If you want to live a life of full potential and aliveness, I invite you on a journey of connecting with yourself: intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual being. That’s the way to become authentic, creative, and magnificent human being that you are. The process that I offer goes beyond well-known left brain thinking and this makes it transformative.

Transformation is a process and requires time, therefore I offer coaching engagements of minimum of six sessions (within three months). From my experience a commitment of six months leads to solid, visible changes.


Coaching is not only about creating awareness. I also help my clients to build new deeply embodied capacities to sustain the change of new behaviors, believes and presence.


Possible packages:

  1. 6 sessions over a period of 3 months

  2. 9 sessions over a period of 4-6 months

  3. 12 sessions over a period of 6 months


Intrigued? Interested? Need more info? Schedule a complimentary sample session with me:



“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
- Margaret Mead

As a faculty member of one of the most rigorous and respected coaching schools in the world, I am very committed to grow the next generation of coaches. We all have our WHY we work as coaches. Those WHYs might be different, but the common denominator is to make a positive change the world. To make an impact, we really need to be very skilled at what we do, attuned to one another, and have an outstanding presence.


This offer is for:

  • Professional coaches that want to move from good to great and cross the threshold of mastery

  •  Co-Active Coaches in Certification


In addition to a coaching engagement, I offer free monthly Q&A sessions on different topics related to coaching profession with other master coaches from the industry. 


If you would like to join our Coaching Community and receive newsletters and invitations to the calls, click here to sign up:


Deep Dive Intensive Program

“Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple, and it is also that difficult.”
- Warren Bennis

Within 3 days we are going to kick off the process of self-discovery and self-creation. We are going to work with your intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual layers to make sure that there is a coherence in the creation. This will help us to cut into your long held believes, blind sports and reactive actions in a short amount of time. We will also start building new, rooted in your resources, ways of response and embody them. Activating your physical body is necessary to build capacity to hold new presence, believes and way of interacting with the world around you.


The program is tailored to meet your needs. Possible outcomes or focus areas:


  • clarity on what you want and who you are (your values, purpose, vision, your most magnificent self, inner resources)

  • believes – what are they and their impact on your life and how to create new ones

  • connection with your deep creativity

  • embodiment – how to use it to create your new life

  • presence (your impact now and how to shift it)

  • leadership

  • reactive tendencies and creative responses

  • building a capacity to leave your comfort zone

  • emotions – how to transform them and create from it

  • different types of intelligence and wisdom within you – how to connect and source from it

  • re-connection with self and the world

  • awaken your aliveness and hunger to live


We will meet in person in a place surrounded by nature (Swiss Alps).


Click to find out more about the program:


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